- - lotus in the city lotus programs the yellow door heaven and earth WomanSpirit executive development registration lounge


The purpose of WomanSpirit is to bring the feminine into balance in our world through deeper connection to and respect for feminine wisdom and knowledge.

Over three and a half days of residential retreat a small group of women take the time to listen, be heard, celebrate their common experiences and recognise the different ways the feminine is embodied by women. Through the traditional feminine methods of transformation - creativity, intuition, companionship, ritual, ceremony, legend, myth and movement - WomanSpirit brings women into a direct and undeniable experience of their own power and intelligence.

You can:

  • Change negative beliefs, attitudes and viewpoints that diminish self-esteem and confidence as a woman.
  • Heal or complete the primary relationship with mother (and to some extent, father) so that you can move more fully into your life as your own woman.
  • Explore your relationship with other women and the values you bring to your friendships; experience the power of sisterhood.
  • Increase the creative, intuitive aspects of your self-expression.
  • Reawaken the Divine Feminine in mind, body and spirit and as a real presence in everyday life.




Next course

November 2007 in New Zealand




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